It’s been a long time since I posted from my newsletter. I had lost my drive to create and put things down on paper. Somehow, something kept getting in the way - a busy job, a broken arm, a pandemic where I really, truly thought I’d use the time to write more but instead played 1000 hours of Animal Crossing New Horizons.
But, I am dedicated to start again. I will be resuming my schedule of posting 2x a month, starting next Tuesday. The newsletter will be primarily focused on recipes, but I might pepper in some additional topics surrounding food, cooking, and the like.
You will see that this letter is coming from a different email platform. I have decided to switch from Tinyletter to Substack, which is more user friendly. Technology allowed me to import my old subscriber list, which will allow you all to decide whether you want to subscribe to the new platform. I hope you do.
Wishing love and light and safety to whoever this reaches.
welcome back!
Glad you're writing again!